Ages: 4 - 6
Young athletes hit the ball from a batting tee, which is height-adjusted for a level swing, batting in order through the line-up for the entire game. The primary goal is to begin to instruct young players in the fundamentals of baseball in a supportive team environment.
Coach Pitch
Ages: 6 - 7
Coaches will throw to the kids allowing for 4 to 5 good pitches as strikes before calling a player out. Continued introduction to the game of baseball.
Kid Pitch/Coach Pitch
Ages: 7 - 8
3 innings of Kids Pitching, 3 innings of Coach Pitch as the season starts shifting to more Kid pitch and less coach pitch by the end of the season. Our focus is to have the kids ready for Minors level play. We can start developing pitchers, catchers, and giving our hitters a chance to see live pitching.
Ages: 8 - 10
Players build and refine their fundamental skills while beginning to understand game strategy and teamwork. In most regions, participants first experience post-season tournament competition in this level.Players build and refine their fundamental skills while beginning to understand game strategy and teamwork. In most regions, participants first experience post-season tournament competition in this level.
Ages: 11 - 12
The most experienced level of our youth program, recommended for 11 and 12-year-old players. This level will prepare the children for the next level of Babe Ruth or school baseball.